Super. Sommer. Card.
50 €
100 €
250 €
Family summer


Family vacation in Fiss

Fun guaranteed for the whole family

Fisser Flieger

Hang gliding" without any risk! The "Fisser Flieger" is one sure way to feel like flying. 4 people at the same time. Rush into the valley: well secured, with 80 kilometers per hour, in 8 - 47 meters height! (For a fee)


A giant swing with thrills! 6 people at a time can feel the adrenaline rush. Start at 20 m, 12 m free fall, 4 G maximum gravity! (For a fee)

Mini&Maxi Club Fiss
  • Minis 3-4 years
  • Kids 5-8 years
  • Juniors 9-11 years
  • hillers 12-15 years

Lots of fun is guaranteed on your family holiday in Fiss. The children explore exciting caves inside the mountains, build huts in the forest, get told spooky stories, wander through narrow gorges and can test various trendy sports.
Childcare for kids 3-15 years for free with the Super. Summer. Card!

Schneisenfeger - Coaster

The Family Coaster guarantees tobogganing fun. The summer and winter toboggan run leads from the old sawmill in Seealm up to Alpkopf and then back down to the Högsee - with ca. 40 km/h over numerous jumps, 360 ° loops, 180° bends to the Restaurant Seealm Hög.

Gold Wash

Water, mud and riches. Sieves and other tools are available for the treasure hunt. Whoever finds gold and other precious stones, can take them as a souvenir back home.